Thursday, June 3, 2010

Cilantro-Lime Rice

I spotted this Cilantro-Lime Rice over at Eating, Etc's blog a little bit ago, and it went perfectly with some chicken we had for dinner!  (Chicken recipe to come later).  My fridge seems to be cursed when it comes to fresh herbs- my cilantro started going bad almost as soon as I bought it, it seemed, and when it came time to make this rice, almost all of it had gone weird, so I was only able to salvage about two teaspoons.  (Luckily, I had already used a large amount to make some Cilantro-Lime Dressing for Sweet Pork Tacos). 

The rice was still delish though; I want to try it sometime with the full amount of cilantro.  I love cilantro!  This rice was easy to put together and was cooked in no time.  It was done way before the chicken!

Note:  7/30/2011- I made this a few days ago with brown rice.  Still just as good- check the bottom of this post for method and picture.

Cilantro-Lime Rice
from Eating, Etc via Buns in My Oven

1c long-grain white rice
2c water
1T olive oil
juice from 1 lime
1T olive oil or butter
1/4c cilantro, chopped
1/4tsp sea salt, or to taste

1) In a medium saucepan, over medium heat, bring rice, water, & 1T of the olive oil to a boil.

2) Continue boiling over medium heat for about 5 minutes or until water just skims top of rice.

3) Reduce heat to low, cover the pan, & continue cooking for 15 minutes.

4) Remove from heat and keep covered for 5 minutes.

5) Transfer rice to a large bowl; add lime juice, remaining olive oil or butter, cilantro, & salt, to taste. Mix well.
Made with Brown Rice
Cilantro-Lime Brown Rice
adapted from Eating, Etc.

1 cup brown rice
2 cups water
1 T olive oil
juice from 1 lime
1 T olive oil or butter
1/4 cup cilantro, chopped
1/4 tsp sea salt, or to taste

1.  Boil rice, water, and oil according to rice package directions.  (30-45 minutes).

2.  After rice is tender, stir in the lime juice, remaining olive oil or butter, cilantro, and sea salt.  Stir and serve.
**This post and photos are property of **


  1. Dishy! (tapping on shoulder wildly!) I started storing my cilantro in a mason jar with water and covering it with a plastic produce bag and it prolongs its life for AGES! I got the idea from Elise @ Simply Recipes here:

  2. Oh my gosh!! (Rolling eyes). I used to do that with cilantro and parsley when I lived in the States- I had TOTALLY forgotten! I think you were the one who told me in the 1st place. Sheesh. Thanks- now I'll start doing that again!

  3. "(tapping on shoulder wildly!)"
    "(Rolling eyes)"

    (Holding my belly and laughing out loud!)

  4. Mmm coriander and lime is one of my favourite combinations!

    Also, if you wash, dry and chop your herbs as soon as you get them home and throw them in a container or plastic sealed bag in the freezer they last indefinitely and you always have chopped fresh herbs on hand whenever you need them :) (I cheered the day I discovered that one, now I have a whole drawer full in the freezer :P)

  5. so, just enough water to cover the stems in the bottom? Because, like Dishy, my starts to slim so soon....


  6. Thanks, Vegetation!

    Yes Jam, just stick the stems in water, like you're sticking flowers in water.


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