Saturday, June 26, 2010

Cobb Salad

This salad was so good.  I saw it over at Chaos in the Kitchen and wanted to make it ASAP.  We just discovered a good source of tender, organic, fresh spinach here on the our island.  We go to an organic farm to get it.  We had been there before, but never realized they had spinach.  I can get fresh spinach again- yay!  Actually, the original salad uses romaine, which would be delish as well, but I happened to have this fresh spinach on hand. 

I did some prep work a few hours before dinner- boiled eggs, cooked bacon (in the microwave), and cooked some chicken tenders in a skillet.  Then I only had to chop some things while assembling the salads.  We had lemonade and fresh watermelon with this- so good!  My kids didn't eat this as a salad- but ate the different ingredients separately (in their cool little divided trays).  The feta cheese was especially popular with them. 

Cobb Salad
adapted from Chaos in the Kitchen

romaine or fresh spinach, torn into bite-sized pieces
good-quality ranch dressing (I used the mix to make "homemade" dressing
cooked, chopped bacon- about 2-3 slices per salad
2 cooked, chopped chicken tenders per salad
1 hard-boiled egg per salad, peeled and sliced
1/4 cup crumbled feta cheese per salad
handful (about 5-6 whole) sliced grape tomatoes per salad
chopped avocado, about 1/4 cup (or more) per salad
chopped red onion, to taste (optional)

1.  On a dinner plate, make a bed of torn romaine or spinach. 

2.  In rows, arrange chopped chicken, sliced eggs, chopped bacon, feta cheese, avocado, optional red onion, and chopped tomato. 

3.  Serve dressing on the side and enjoy!

**This post and photos are property of**


  1. Your whole meal sounds so healthy & refreshing!

  2. Wow! That looks like just the most perfect salad!

  3. Dishy, that is beautiful and very mouth-watering!


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