Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Overnight Soft Herb Rolls

I love bread products that you can let rise overnight and bake the next day.  It's nice to get that work done ahead of time, and I love knowing there's some dough in the fridge, rising and ready for me when I want it.  :)  I bought a parsley plant a while ago, and a rosemary plant.  The parsley plant lasted almost 4 days before it totally died.  I'm hanging my head in shame here... it's like plants die just being in my presence.  However, the rosemary plant is holding out strong!  I don't think much could kill rosemary... unless I forgot to water it for a few months.  That actually happened a few years ago; I bought a "Christmas tree" rosemary plant from Trader Joe's, but became pregnant shortly after, and the morning sickness made me hate that rosemary plant.  Just walking by it would make me want to hurl.  So, I killed it slowly by not watering it for a few months, and the poor thing finally died.  Sticking it outside in the snow may have helped as well.  Anyway.......

I used the last of my poor parsley plant for this recipe, along with fresh rosemary.  I threw in some fresh basil, because I had some, but the rest of the herbs were dried.  These were really good and the kids liked them too.  The herbs add a nice little something without being overpowering.  Eating, Etc uses vital wheat gluten, which is a great thing, but I can't buy that over here so I don't use it anymore.  If you have access to it, use it!  It helps with rising, especially if you are using whole wheat flour. 

Overnight Soft Herb Rolls
from Eating, Etc, via Sunset Mag.
Makes 12 rolls

1/4 cup cool water (70°F)
2-1/4 tsp active dry yeast (or 1 pkg)
3 Tablespoons sugar
1 tsp sea salt
1 Tablespoon Italian flat-leaf parsley, finely chopped
1 Tablespoon fresh dill, finely chopped, or 1 tsp dried dillweed
1 Tablespoon fresh chives, finely chopped, or 1 tsp dried chives
2 tsp fresh rosemary, finely chopped
2 Tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
1 large whole egg
1 cup milk (I used 1%)
2-1/4 cups to 2-1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup whole wheat pastry flour (can use regular whole wheat)
1/4 cup vital wheat gluten (if not available, just use equal amount flour)
1 Tablespoon melted butter, for brushing after baking

1) In bowl of electric stand mixer, sprinkle yeast over cool water. Let stand, about 5 minutes, until dissolved.

2) Mix in sugar, sea salt, herbs, melted butter, egg, & milk.

3) Add 3 cups of the flours, plus the vital wheat gluten, and stir to moisten.

4) Knead dough in mixer, adding flour, as needed, by tablespoonful until dough is elastic and not sticky, about 15 minutes.

5) Shape dough into 12 balls; place in well-buttered 9x13 pan.

6) Cover tightly with plastic wrap & refrigerate overnight.

7) Let dough rise in warm place until doubled, about 1 hour.

8) Preheat oven to 350°F.

9) Brush rolls with beaten egg & sprinkle with coarse sea salt. (I skipped the egg and salt).

10) Bake at 350°F, for 25-30 minutes, or until golden brown.  Brush with the additional butter.

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  1. Thanks! I let them rise too long at room temp for that last little bit; and they almost turned orca on me.

  2. LOL at orca! These are just beautiful--they look so delicious! Your poor rosemary plant. ;)


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