Thursday, February 17, 2011


I didn't know what to eat for lunch the other day, but looking around my kitchen, I spied one lonely, ripe avocado just sitting there.  I combined it with some of this homemade Pico de Gallo, fresh lemon juice, and a touch of salt.  That's it- the Pico provided all the flavor this needed- it was so good.  And healthy, except for the tortilla chips I ate it with.....


1 ripe avocado, peeled, pitted, and mashed with a fork
3-4 tablespoons fresh Pico de Gallo (or more if desired)
juice of one lime or 1/2 lemon
salt, to taste

1.  Mix everything together with a spoon and enjoy with tortilla chips.  :)

**This post and photos are property of **

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