Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Baked Onion Rings

Thanks to a cooking friend, I came across this recipe for baked onion rings.  She tried them and liked them, so I decided to give them a shot, as well.  They were delicious!  I wasn't expecting them to be as good as they were.  They tasted just like regular onion rings, and they are baked, so there is only a fraction of the fat there compared to the fried ones.  You dredge them in flour, then egg, and then Panko bread crumbs.  (Panko bread crumbs are GREAT- and they are available in most grocery stores!  I can even get them!).  The original recipe sprays the rings with cooking spray to crisp them up in the oven, but I used olive oil sprayed with my Misto sprayer- it's just olive oil with no chemicals.  I love my Misto, too!

I found preparing these onion rings to be very time-consuming (all the dipping and dredging of each individual ring), and my oven is a tiny European one, so I can only fit one tiny baking sheet in there (largest baking dish that will fit is 9x13).  So, I only did 1/2 of a large onion, which was fine, because it was mostly me and my husband eating these anyway.  You will have to excuse the bald spots on my onion rings in the photo- it was a bit difficult to make the Panko stick.  But these are still worth it if you love onion rings!

We had these for dinner last Friday with Pulled Chipotle Chicken sandwiches, corn on the cob, Caesar salad and fresh strawberries.  Very enjoyable! 

Baked Onion Rings
from For the Love of Cooking

1-2 sweet yellow onions, sliced into thick rings
1/2 cup of flour
Sea salt and freshly cracked pepper, to taste
1 egg
3 tbsp milk
1 1/2 cups of Italian seasoned panko crumbs (I used plain)
Cooking spray or Misto olive oil sprayer

1.  Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Line a baking sheet with a silpat mat coated with cooking spray (or just grease a baking sheet).

2.  Slice the onion into thick rings then separate them. Pour the flour into a bowl then season it with a bit of sea salt and freshly cracked pepper then mix well. Mix the egg and milk in a bowl until well combined. Pour the panko crumbs into another bowl.

3.  Dredge the onions first in the flour, then in the egg mixture, and finally in the panko crumbs until fully coated. Place each coated ring on the baking sheet. Repeat with the remaining rings. Spray the rings with cooking spray or olive oil, then place into the oven. Bake for 10 minutes, then flip the rings over carefully with tongs. Bake for an additional 10 minutes. Remove from the oven and serve immediately. Enjoy.

**This post and photos are property of http://dishingwithdish.blogspot.com/ **

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