Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Whey Bread

Ever make homemade yogurt, and after draining it (to make it thicker), wonder what to do with all of that whey leftover?  (Am I the only one?!)  Usually, I just dump it down the drain, but I thought I remembered seeing something online about baking with it.  I decided to look up bread recipes using whey as the liquid, and found this great recipe!  I made it and it was good- I think that subbing whey for water in any bread or roll recipe would work well, and will try it with more whey next time I make yogurt. 

Like any homemade bread, this is really, really good toasted with butter or homemade freezer jam.  Actually, with jam, it's more like a dessert.  This was popular with the whole family, and not too shabby, health-wise, either!  Instead of oat flour I used quick oats, because I figure they're processed finely enough to stand in place for flour, and I want to get rid of them!  If you aren't lazy like me, you can give quick or rolled oats a couple quick whizzes in the food processor to make them a finer consistency like flour.  I've done that before and it works well.  I doubled the recipe to make 2 loaves- as posted below, this makes one small loaf.

Whey Bread
adapted from Bittersweet

1 Cup Whey
1 1/2 Teaspoons Granulated Sugar
1 Package Active Dry Yeast
3/4 Teaspoon Salt
1 Cup Whole Wheat Flour
1 – 2 Cups All-Purpose Flour
1 Cup Oat Flour (quick oatmeal works)

1.  Combine the whey and sugar, and heat for just 1 minute in the microwave to warm it through, but not get it hot. Sprinkle in the yeast, and allow 5 – 10 minutes for it to reactivate and become frothy.

2.  In your stand mixer with the hook attachment installed, stir together the salt, whole wheat flour, 1 cup of the AP flour, and the oat flour.  Stir well, and add in more AP flour as needed, and continue mixing until you achieve a smooth and tacky but not sticky dough. Kneed for about 5-10 minutes before placing it in a lightly oiled bowl (cover w/plastic wrap) and letting it rise for 1 – 2 hours, until doubled in volume.

3.  Press the dough out gently but firmly with your knuckles, and shape it into a rough rectangle. Roll up the rectangle so that it is as long as an 8 x 4 inch loaf pan. Lightly grease the loaf pan, and place your dough inside, seam-side down. Let rise again for another 45 min-1 hour or so, until it’s just about peeking over the edge of the pan.

4.  Preheat your oven to 350 degrees, and bake for 25 – 30 minutes, until nicely browned on the outside. Let cool in the pan for 10 minutes, and then on a wire wrack for at least 30 before slicing.

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  1. You did it and it worked! Was it tender bread like when one uses yogurt in breads?

  2. JPee, it was actually kinda chewy. I'd be interested in using both whey and yogurt in a recipe- like maybe those yogurt rolls.

  3. I tried your recipe and I think this bread is really healthy because of the whey used. I'm going to post this recipe in Turkish on my blog. Thank you :)

  4. Feyza, thanks for visiting, and for your comment!

  5. I posted the recipe:) Thank you, again!


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