Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Darn these things.  Rice Krispies were on sale a little bit ago, so I bought a box, and on the side was this recipe.  The kids spotted it and begged me to make it, so I thought, "Why not?"  They seemed easy enough.  Well, they are SO good and addictive; I can probably attribute 1 or 2 pounds of my pregnancy weight gain to these babies.  (Cry). 

I wasn't excited about the use of corn syrup, which is why I've never made this recipe before, even though I've seen it around.  The kids wanted them so much, though!  When I made them, I couldn't bear to add that whole cup of corn syrup, so I used 1/2 cup of light, mild honey, and 1/2 cup corn syrup.  The honey's flavor was so mild that you could not taste it in the finished product.  Yay!  The recipe also calls for butterscotch chips, which I stay away from because they contain hydrogenated oils.  I bit the bullet though, and used them anyway, and I realize I miss the flavor of good ol' butterscotch chips!  (Darn them!!!)  I did use natural, unsweetened peanut butter in these.  At least I have that....

These things were so, SO good!  I could not stop eating them.  I was relieved when they were gone so I couldn't eat any more.  My middle son liked them so much he requested them for his birthday school class treat.  I put sprinkles on top of that batch- sprinkles make everything festive.

I will never make these again unless I can bring them somewhere!  Or something.  :)

adapted from Kellogg's

1/2 cup light corn syrup
1/2 cup light colored honey
1 cup sugar
1 cup peanut butter (I used natural)
6 cups Kellogg's® Rice Krispies® cereal
1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 cup butterscotch chips

1. Place corn syrup, honey, and sugar into 3-quart saucepan. Cook over medium heat, stirring frequently, until sugar dissolves and mixture begins to boil. Remove from heat. Stir in peanut butter. Mix well. Add Rice Krispies cereal. Stir until well coated. Press mixture into 13 x 9 x 2-inch pan coated with cooking spray. Set aside.

2. Melt chocolate and butterscotch chips together in 1-quart saucepan over very low heat, stirring constantly. Spread evenly over cereal mixture. Let stand until firm. Cut into 2 x 1-inch bars when cool.
**This post and photos are property of http://dishingwithdish.blogspot.com**


  1. I wonder if there is a difference in taste to the ones I make with marshmallows and butter (which is the recipe that used to be on the Rice Krispies box). Have you made that one? I always add chunky peanut butter to mine and top with chocolate chips, and hubby thinks they taste like Snickers.

  2. Linda, so does your recipe not use corn syrup, then? I'd be interested to try it, esp. with the butter! I haven't made any other recipe than the one I've posted here. Yours sounds good though.

  3. A friend who recently opened a little food trailer, was selling these and gave me one. I'd never had them before, and they were so good that I went home and looked up the recipe. I felt as you did...didn't want them around due to the corn syrup, plus I think HFCS is in Rice Krispies(?) (and marshmallows!), plus the crap in butterscotch chips. I weighed all of that, and made them anyway. LOL! I did use Lyle's golden syrup, but it made them kind of hard, so they had to be nuked a little to soften them up. I think I got them out of my system now though. :D

  4. I thought of using Golden syrup, but did not want to use up so much of the precious liquid in one fell swoop. Mine actually turned out a bit more firm w/the honey, but it's so humid here that they were fine a few hours later- softening up a bit. They are definitely out of my system now too, after making them twice! (Once for the fam, once for my son's b-day at school). Yay! But now, I want butterscotch chip cookies. :(

  5. Rice Krispies Treats recipe: melt 1/4 cup butter, add in 40 regular marshmallows or 4 cups mini marshmallows till melted & remove from heat; at this point I add in about 1/2 cup chunky peanut butter but you can leave it out; mix in 6 cups Rice Krispies & spread in a buttered pan - size depends on how thick you want them - recipe calls for 9 X 13 - I use a 7 X 11 pan. If you want chocolate on top sprinkle on desired amount - I use a package of semi-sweet. Place in the oven at 350 for 2 minutes, just until the chips are spreadable.

  6. Linda- thanks so much for that recipe! I will try it sometime. JPee- I looked on my Rice Krispie box and they actually do not have HFCS! Maybe they used to and got rid of them.


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