Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Gooey Caramel Rolls

Here's another recipe from the Betty Crocker Kids Cook cookbook I talked about on this post.  This was another recipe my daughter picked out and really, really wanted to try.  I resisted, because it called for canned breadstick dough, and I like homemade stuff and try to avoid processed foods like that.  She said we could do homemade dough, but I didn't want to try to figure out a good amount to make, etc, so I just bought the darn breadstick dough!  Lol.  These were actually very good!  The breadstick dough didn't taste fake like I feared, and the caramel sauce you make would probably mask that anyway.  We enjoyed these for breakfast one Saturday morning.  I want to use that caramel sauce and experiment with actual roll recipes sometime.  We left out the nuts just because my kids are weird about that sometimes. 

Gooey Caramel Rolls
from Betty Crocker
Makes 6 Rolls

1/2 cup dark brown sugar
1/3 cup whipping cream
1/4 cup chopped pecans, optional
2 Tablespoons white sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 can (11 oz) refrigerated original breadsticks

1. Heat oven to 350.  Mix brown sugar and whipping cream in an 8 inch round cake pan.  Sprinkle with pecans. Set aside.

2. Stir sugar and cinnamon in a bowl until mixed.

3. Take breadsticks out of package unrolling the dough but not separating into breadsticks.  Sprinkle on cinnamon-sugar mix over dough. Roll up dough, starting at one of the short sides.

4. Separate dough with a knife using the cut marks to make spirals.  Put slices on top of sauce in pan.

5. Bake for 25 mins or until rolls are golden brown.  Let cool a minute and then invert on a plate.   Let set for a minute so the sauce can drizzle down and then remove pan.
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