Saturday, September 3, 2011

Mt. Pico

I was going through some pictures on my computer, and came across these ones from late December 2010.  I was newly pregnant and morning sick back then, and hardly ever posted anything on this blog.  I had forgotten about these photos.  A friend was leaving the island and we drove him to the airport.  Before he left he wanted to drive to the highest point on the island.  It was early in the morning (7 or 8am) and we had this GREAT view of Mt. Pico

Pico is the name of another Azorean island and Mt. Pico is the mountain (volcano) located on it.  Mt. Pico is the highest point in Portugal.  It's huge!  When we fly off the island, we see a large amount of Pico always above the cloud covering.  We were lucky that morning in December; having such a nice view.  Usually you can't see much from the highest point on our island because of clouds, and a lot of times you can't see other islands at all.  This was the best view of Pico we've ever had. 
**This post and photos are property of**/

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