Thursday, October 13, 2011

Cherry Limeade

This isn't really a fall drink, but it took me quite a while to get around to making it, and plus, we've been having some warm weather lately.  :)  We had these with grilled chicken, orzo and broccoli- all foods that my kids love, but they totally ignored the food in favor of these drinks.  :)  They loooooved them!  The adults enjoyed them, as well.  PS: I bought limes so I could garnish the glasses with lime slices, but totally forgot about them.  They're still in my fridge....somewhere......  PPS:  The only bottle of cherries available here is 12oz or so, not 16, but it still worked out for us. PPSS (?):  I've never even had the "real thing" from Sonic, but I really liked this drink. 

Cherry Limeade
from Eating, Etc.

12oz. frozen limeade concentrate
2-liter bottle Sprite, or about 4 cans
juice from 16oz. jar maraschino cherries
maraschino cherries
crushed ice or ice cubes
fresh lime slices, optional

1.  In a large pitcher, mix limeade concentrate with Sprite.  Add maraschino cherry juice.

2.  Add 1-2 maraschino cherries to the bottom of a glass.  Add ice.  Pour Sprite mixture over ice. 

3.  Garnish with lime slices, if desired.  Top with a maraschino cherry. 

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1 comment:

  1. I think I am making this for my lia sophia party tomorrow :)


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