Saturday, December 24, 2011

White Hot Chocolate

This stuff is soooo good.  I think I added too much white chocolate, but that is not a bad thing in my eyes.  :)  I used 5 cups of liquid and 13 ounces of white chocolate- next time I think 10-11oz to 5 cups of liquid would be enough.  So.... about 2 ounces of white chocolate per cup of liquid (milk, half and half, whatev!  Lol.)  The picture above has a slight pink tinge from my candy cane being stirred around.  I know that's obvious but I felt like I had to state it anyway.  (The picture below was taken pre-stirrage!  Good one!)
I first made white hot chocolate about 5 years ago, trying this recipe without the cayenne.  I liked it, but it was a bit too rich from the egg.  I made white hot chocolate again two winters ago, using a similar method to the one I used yesterday.  I only used milk though, and the white chocolate separated pretty badly from the milk unless you were constantly stirring it in your mug.  This time, I decided to use part half-and-half and part milk, and everything seemed to stay incorporated much better. 

Use real white chocolate for this- not "white baking chips" or almond bark or anything like that.  Just make sure there's no partially hydrogenated oils in it.  It's so easy to get good white chocolate here, in bar form, and I'm very happy about that!  It may be harder in some areas. 

White Hot Chocolate
What a Dish!
6-7 servings

2 cups half-and-half
3 cups 1% milk
10-11 ounces real white chocolate (I finely chopped up a few bars)
pinch kosher or sea salt
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1.  In a heavy-bottomed saucepan, heat half-and-half, milk, and white chocolate gently (medium-low heat) until white chocolate is melted and mixture is hot enough.  Mix in salt and vanilla.  Serve with a candy cane if desired.  :)

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