Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Day in the Big City

Well, as "big" as any city can be here on this tiny island, anyway.  On my mom's last day visiting here, my husband took the day off.  While the big kids were in school, my mom, my husband, my baby and I walked around the largest city here.  It was a beautiful, beautiful day.  Sunny and warm.  Here are some shots from that day.
I love the blue church, above.  I don't know exactly what is going on with the building in the picture below, but it looks cool.
I love marinas.  They're so beautiful.  Maybe it's all the boats lined up and the ocean beyond (although, you can't see the ocean in this pic). 
We visited this bakery.  It's one I had heard a lot about, but hadn't ever found before.  Well, we finally found it!  We didn't buy anything though, because we were on our way to lunch at our favorite restaurant on the island. (Will post about that later- what a gem!)  Anyway, we will have to go back to this bakery ASAP and take the kids.  I love how the pic shows all the typical Portuguese pastries, especially on the top level.  They have a TON of little tarts and are heavy on the egg usage.  Actually, this bakery is the one who supplied the pastries I talked about at this festival.  (PS:  That's my arm in the right side of the photo!  Scandal!)
**This post and photos are property of http://dishingwithdish.blogspot.com **


  1. LOL'ing at "Scandal!" Looking forward to your fave restaurant post.

  2. I was hoping you'd read the "Scandal" part JPee. :) Ja ja ja!!


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