Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Mt. Pico at Sunset

I've already shared pictures of Mt. Pico at sunrise; now, here are some sunset pictures.  (Mt. Pico, which is on another Azorean island, can be seen here hiding behind the clouds.  It's a super tall volcanic peak.)  I wish I could make these larger, but then they overlap the sidebar stuff and get all weird. 

Sometimes I forget what a beautiful place this is.  It helps when the sun comes out, which it has been doing, lately.  Darn it all, I really wish I could make these pictures larger- they are so beautiful!  :)  Click on them for a close-up.  My husband took these pictures a few months ago when we were out for a drive.  We ended up going to a restaurant for dinner on the way home because everyone was hungry and we were still too far from home.  The power ended up going out as we were eating, so we got to eat by candlelight, and the kids LOVED it!  They still talk about it and ask if we can go to that restaurant "where the power went out".

**This post and photos are property of http://dishingwithdish.blogspot.com/**/

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