Monday, July 8, 2013

Summer 2013 So Far

We've been enjoying our vacation in the Southwestern US, but it is HOT here!!  We got here during an extreme heat wave and it's only now just "cooling off" to a high of 104-106 degrees F.  Even watching fireworks on the Fourth of July, it was 100 degrees at 10pm at night!!  Luckily, we can drive to a few awesome places to escape the heat.  We went to Bryce Canyon National Park last week, where the temps ranged from the high 70's to 56 degrees F!  I loved it.  I'll share pics of that below.  Above is our haul from the local farmer's market yesterday; peaches, basil, cherry tomatoes, sweet onions, artisan french bread, homemade blackberry/pomegranate jam, and Rainier cherries.
We celebrated the fourth of July by laying low in our AC'd rental condo.  We grilled burgers, had corn on the cob and watermelon, and then had brownies with star-shaped marshmallows, strawberries and blueberries.  We have to enjoy fresh corn and blueberries Stateside, as they are very hard to get in the middle of the ocean.  
Below are some pics of Bryce Canyon.  It was absolutely stunning with the formations in red rock, some against the green forest.  We went on a little hike to a cave and waterfall.  It started raining but we persevered, even though some of the kids complained.  


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  1. Bryce Canyon really is breathtaking! So, will you be making up to WA at all? If so let me know, and I'll email you my new phone number. We'd love to see you and the gang!

  2. We won't be up this year but maybe next year! We'd love to see you guys again too. Hope you are having a great summer!

  3. I would say "too bad" except it looks like your trip is full of both fabulous scenery and delicious food... so, we'll catch you next time. ;)

    Yes, we're having a fun summer. In fact, next week we're heading up to camp at Lake Chelan for Jim's birthday. I'm really excited!

  4. How fun! We went to Lake Chelan once when we lived there.


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