Monday, January 11, 2016

Venice Again

These pics are a continuation of our overnight Venice trip back in December.  There's a lot here, so I'll just post them all.  I'll put descriptions under some of them, like the ones in the old Jewish ghetto. We spent most of our time in the Jewish neighborhood on this day.  Unfortunately, it was Saturday, the Jewish Sabbath, so we were unable to try the highly-rated Kosher restaurant, Gam-Gam.  Next time!
 Pics top and bottom; top, our cozy rented room in Venice.  Bottom, the courtyard outside the room.

The bridge to the old Ghetto, and the square of the new Ghetto.  Below, one of the Ghettos; the main square.

 A synagogue, above.  
 Art above is depicting the Italian Jews being herded onto cattle cars to be deported.  :(  Below is a commemorative plaque with the dates the deportations took place.

We had the best focaccia-style pizza at a tiny little hole-in-the-wall place called Arte della Pizza.  SO GOOD!!!  And super cheap, as well.  (In the Jewish neighborhood- Cannaregio.)

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