Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Carnevale in Venice

Last Saturday, my friend and I went took the train down to Venice for the day.  We took the water bus down to St. Mark's square and took pics of all the people in costume.  Then we meandered back toward the train station (walking this time).  Venice was very crowded, as it was the last Saturday of Carnevale for this year.  Crossing the Ponte Rialto (Rialto Bridge) took about 30 minutes!  It was a solid wall of people, shuffling forward every minute or so for about a foot.  It was incredibly crazy. We stopped once for a hot panini, and on the way back for a pastry break, partaking in the famous Carnevale treat- Fritelle.  We bought ones stuffed with "Eggnog" (zabaione) flavored cream, and they were very boozy! (With rum).  Btw, I forgot to buy a little mask for myself to take home!  Next time.

 My pressed panino from a tiny sandwich stand.  
 Traditional Carnevale pastries- both above and below.  The ones below are my favorite!  (Crostoli.)

Trying to cross Rialto Bridge.  The people you can see coming are not moving at all; that whole street is a solid mass of people.  Also a solid mass of people on the bridge itself.  It took us forever to cross! We were standing still for most of the time.  Took about 30 minutes.  Just to cross the actual bridge.

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