Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Predjama Castle & Postojna Caves, Slovenia

I just realized that I had never posted the pics from the very first time we went to Slovenia, back in May 2015!  We loved our first trip; Slovenia is so gorgeous with so much to offer.  For our first trip, we just went the the Predjama Castle & Postojna Caves.  They are close together, a few kilometers. This  castle is amazing; it's sticking out of a rock face/cliff/cave.  The pics don't really do it justice. Inside it's kind of cold and gloomy, but it's so worth seeing still.  Here are some pics from both inside and outside.

PS.  Eight years ago today I started this blog!  So crazy!

Bathroom break, anyone??!
These two pics (above & below) are the view from inside the castle.  Gorgeous!  If you go, get the guided audio tour (headphones) to learn interesting facts as you walk around inside.
Right before seeing the castle, we went to the famous Postojna Caves.  They are beautiful but very touristy.  You get to ride a little train to the inside though, which is cool.  (We went to the other caves, called Skocjan Caves, the next trip to Slovenia and those ones are a lot less touristy, and just as cool, if not cooler! But no pics permitted of that one.)  Anyway, here are some pics of the Postojna Caves.  It's hard taking pics inside; I think these are all without flash so that's why they might be a tiny bit blurry.

**This post and photos are property of http://dishingwithdish.blogspot.com/**

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