Monday, May 2, 2016

Cinque Terre

We finally went to the Cinqe Terre during spring break in the first week of April.  We had beautiful weather most of the time and we loved it.  (We went to a beach town for 3 days before that, near Livorno, and had fun there, too, but I won't post about it.)  These pics are from our first day there. We went on a hike from Monterosso-Vernazza on the second day, and I'll post about that later.  The first day, we just walked around old and new Monterosso, taking pictures, eating a nice lunch, and relaxing.  We also enjoyed our AirBnB apartment (in Levanto, not part of the CT, but the next town over.)
The Chef at Ristorante Ciak, above.  The food we ordered, pictured below.  Fried seafood platter, two pics of shrimp ravioli, and then fresh gnocchi with local pesto.  Everything was so good!

Old town Monterosso- the train tracks are there in front of the tower.
The light and airy kitchen in our AirBnB in Levanto- I really loved it.  Two pics below are the view from our balcony.

The beautiful house (with tons of wisteria) right next to our AirBnB.  There was a great patio out here for hanging laundry and hanging out in.

**This post and photos are property of **

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