Monday, June 6, 2016

Sauteed Fresh Peas

Fresh peas are in season here right now.  We actually went to a Pea Sagra recently- maybe I'll post pics from that later.  I bought these from the local Frutteria and asked how to prepare them.  So I'll post the recipe below.  They are delicious and I want to make fresh peas again before they go out of season.
Sauteed Fresh Peas

fresh peas
fresh sweet onion
olive oil
salt and pepper
a little water

1.  Warm the olive oil in a skillet and add onion.  Saute until mostly tender.  Add the fresh peas and sautee for a minute, and then add some water, a few tablespoons.  Add some salt.  Bring to a light simmer and cook for about 5 minutes.  Taste the peas and see if they are done to your liking.  Serve as soon as they are tender enough.  (Locals prefer a longer cooking time- 10-15 minutes.)

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