Monday, August 8, 2016

Cevapcici (Serbian Grilled Sausages)

We had a Slovenia adventure a few weeks ago.  I never posted about it, but maybe I will later.  (I only have phone pics.)  We ended up needing to be towed back to Italy because our car died, and we had a barbecue with our tow truck driver the night before we left.  His friends came (all Slovenians seem to speak English) and we ate delicious food, including Grilled Serbian Sausages.  I wanted to re-create them at home.

I would say these are more like Cevapcici-inspired, since I couldn't even find lamb to use.  (I only tried one butcher, but the Italian gentleman told me "It's too hot for lamb right now!"  That's why they didn't have it.  I never buy lamb, so I know nothing.)  Anyway, I used a mix of equal parts pork and beef.  The flavor of these was very good, but not quite the same as what we had in Slovenia.
Cevapcici (Serbian Grilled Sausages)
adapted from Allrecipes

1 kilo mixed ground pork/beef (roughly 1 lb. beef, 1 lb. gound pork, can also use lamb)
1 egg white
4 cloves garlic, minced
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
2 teaspoons ground black pepper
dash of cayenne pepper
1/2 teaspoon paprika

1.  Preheat a grill for medium-low heat.  In a large bowl, combine the ground meat and egg white. Add the garlic, salt, baking soda, black pepper, cayenne pepper and paprika. Mix well using your hands, and form into finger length sausages about 3/4 inch thick. (Can form these ahead of time and store in fridge, covered, until ready to grill.)

2. Lightly oil the grilling surface. Grill sausages until cooked through, turning as needed.  
**This post and photos are property of **

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