Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Zucchini-Potato Soup

Back in November, our neighbors had us over for dinner and it was wonderful again.  They made this soup, and then salad, curry chicken and roast potatoes.  I brought them this Cranberry Cake and they LOVED it.  Anyway, we loved the soup, especially my 5-year old.  I asked how they made it and the answer was "just cook potatoes and zucchini in chicken broth, use the immersion blender, and then add some Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese."  So a little while later, I made this soup at home.  It was easy and very flavorful.  One could add other flavors in, like garlic or onions, but I wanted to keep this simple, like my neighbor's version.  I was very happy with it.
Zucchini-Potato Soup

4-6 small to medium zucchini, chopped coarsely (dont' peel) (use to taste- no wrong amount)
1 large potato, peeled (I used a yellow-fleshed potato)
4 cups chicken broth
salt and pepper
Grana or Parm-Reg cheese

1.  Combine all ingredients in a large soup pot, except cheese and salt and pepper.  Bring to a boil and then reduce to a simmer until veggies are tender.  Using an immersion blender, blend until smooth.  If it's too thick, add more broth.  Add the cheese, about 1/2 cup, and then add salt and pepper to taste. Serve with croutons and extra grated cheese.
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