Sunday, April 23, 2017

Ljubljana, Slovenia

Last July, we took a trip to Slovenia.  Our van died on the way there, and we were stuck in Ljubljana (the capital) for a few days.  We eventually got our van towed back to Italy and bought a new one. But while we were waiting to figure out how to get home, we had a good time exploring Slovenia. We had an AirBnB in the University/Embassy section of town.  The main section of the city was easily walk-able from there.  Good thing, since we had no vehicle.  (Our AirBnB was featured in National Geographic for being so quirky!) Anyway, I never posted pics from our trip.  These are just phone pics, as I had forgotten my real camera. We walked around the old town, saw the castle on the hill, the dragon bridge, ate out a few times, got gelato, and took two river cruises.

There was a photo exhibit in a large park.  The photos were or Syrian refugees as they passed through Slovenia the December before.
The market had SO many fresh and delicious berries.  

Corn soup, above.  White chocolate and pistachio gelato, below.

Last night dinner with our tow truck driver and his cool friends.  They were all very educated and professional, spoke English, and we had wonderful conversation.  The food is pictured below.  They grilled Serbian sausages, and I made them myself a few months later.  Above are the beautiful roses in his yard.
**This post and photos are property of **

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