Sunday, April 16, 2017

Pula, Croatia

Happy Easter! Today we grilled steaks, had Ranch Potato Casserole, a cucumber salad, roasted asparagus and strawberry pie.

Way back in October, we took a weekend trip to Pula, Croatia.  Pula is known for its Roman Arena. We stayed at an AirBnB super close to the arena.  We visited the arena, walked around Pula's oceanfront and marina, visited an outdoor market, and went out on a boat trip with the AirBnB owner's father.  Some of my family went swimming in the sea, but it was too cold for me.  They loved it though. Then we went to a very good and cozy restaurant that the owner recommended to us. (These are only phone pics; I forgot my big camera.)

Every morning, the owner's grandmother, Marija (Maria), brought us homemade pastries.  So good!

 Above: the Temple of Augustus. Below, Twin Gates- once the entrance to the city.  

 Above & below: Views from the boatride.

Above, trying the local olive oil at a very good restaurant, Alla Beccaccia.  Pula is on the Istrian Peninsula, which is well-known for producing very good olive oil.  Below, my wild game and gnocchi dish.  This region of Croatia has food influences from Italy, but they put their own spin on it. 

 We looked for an olive oil farm and finally found this random one.  It was SO good and they were harvesting the olives when we were there.  This guy filled up a few fresh bottles for us and we were on our way.  I mention the olive oil in the bottom of this post about Croatian soup.  
 **This post and photos are property of **

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