Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Pistachio Hot Chocolate

There's a wonderful product here called Pistachio Paste.  It's like Nutella, but made with pistachios (and no cocoa, obviously). It's sweet, smooth, and has a wonderful pistachio flavor.  I thought it'd be a good idea to incorporate it into some white hot chocolate.  I used this recipe for Italian Hot Chocolate as a base.

Pistachio Hot Chocolate
adapted from here
Two servings

4 oz. real white chocolate, shaved or chopped fine
1 1/2 cups milk
3/4 tablespoon cornstarch
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/8 teaspoon sea salt
3-4 Tablespoons pistachio paste
whipped cream, optional
chopped pistachios, optional

1. Place shaved chocolate in a small saucepan over low heat and add 2 tablespoons milk and vanilla extract. Use a wooden spoon to stir chocolate as it begins to melt. Slowly add remaining milk and continuing stirring until completely smooth.

2. Add in cornstarch, sea salt, and pistachio paste, and stir until everything is dissolved and combined. Use a whisk to keep it smooth. As it heats up, it will start to thicken. It needs to thicken enough to coat the back of a metal spoon. You can bring to a low simmer if needed.  It's supposed to be thick and smooth.

3. Pour into 2 mugs (top with whipped cream and pistachios if desired) and serve immediately.

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  1. I really want to try this recipe. But it mentions adding much? There is no amount in the ingredients. Thank you.

  2. SO sorry. I did not see your comment until just now. The sugar is a typo. It should be plenty sweet with the pistachio paste and white chocolate. I have removed it. Thank you.


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