Saturday, April 18, 2009

Pizza Hut Pan Pizza Recipe

 I love Pizza Hut Pan pizza. The crisp, greasy crust is my fave part. (My guilty secret). The only thing I don't like about it is how salty it is- but now with this homemade version, the salt is easy to control! Since moving overseas, I've had a few sad thoughts about Pizza Hut pan pizza and how I'd like to have it once in a while. After making this recipe, I know I can indulge anytime I want! (Although that wouldn't be very smart... lol). I looked this recipe up a few years ago but didn't make it. Then, on Tastespotting a few days ago, I spotted a picture of this delicious pizza by Real Mom Kitchen and decided it was finally time to give it a go. In the past few years, I've become more experienced with yeast doughs, and this one was no problem at all. It was totally easy and mixed up beautifully in my Kitchenaid. Then, I put 9 oz. of dough into two 9" cake pans, and 12 oz. of dough into my 10.25" cast-iron skillet, for a total of 3 pizzas. The original recipe calls for 3 ounces of oil for each pan. That's just crazy talk, so I used 1 tablespoon in each pan, which still felt like a lot to me. I loved how the crust was all crispy and delicious. For one of the pizzas, I used pesto instead of red sauce. Both ways were delicious. This is Pizza Hut Pan Pizza my way.

Pizza Hut Pan Pizza- My Way

1 1/3 cup warm water (110 F)
1 tablespoon sugar
1 pk (or 2 1/4 tsp.) Dry yeast
1/4 cup non−fat dry milk
1/2 teaspoon Salt
1 cup All-Purpose Flour
3 cups bread flour
2 tablespoons canola oil (for dough)
3-5 tablespoons canola oil (for greasing pans)

1.  Put yeast and sugar in a large bowl (can use Kitchenaid). Add warm water water to dissolve yeast; let sit for 5 minutes or until yeast blooms.

2.  Add non-fat dry milk, salt, oil and 2-3 cups of flour and stir until dough forms and flour is absorbed. Turn out on to a flat surface and knead for about 10 minutes, adding as much flour as necessary to make a soft, supple dough that is not too sticky. (I just used my Kitchenaid with the dough hook).

3.  Divide dough into three balls. In three 9" cake pans (I used two 9" aluminum cake pans and one 10.25" cast-iron skillet, putting more dough in the skillet) , put 1 tablespoon of oil in each making sure it is spread evenly, and brush it up the sides. (May want to use 1.5 tablespoons oil if using aluminum pans- my crust stuck, but the cast-iron released beautifully). Using a rolling pin, roll out each dough ball to about a 9" circle, or use your hands to press dough into a circle. Place in cake pans. Cover with an upside-down dinner plate. Place in warm area and allow to rise for 1 to 1 1/2 hours.

1 8 Oz Can Tomato Sauce
1 tsp Dry Oregano
1/2 tsp Marjoram
1/2 tsp Dry Basil
1/4 tsp Garlic salt

Combine and let sit for 1 hour while the dough rises.

For Each Pizza:
Preheat oven to 420-450F. Spoon 1/3 cup sauce on dough and spread to within 1" of edge. Distribute a few handfuls of shredded mozzarella cheese (I used a little cheddar, too) on sauce, then add whatever other toppings you want. I just did turkey pepperoni tonight. Cook until cheese is bubbling and outer crust is brown, about 15 minutes. When they came out of the oven, I rubbed the outer crust with butter, but I don't think this was necessary.

**This post and photos are property of**


Donna-FFW said...

This looks so delicious, just like a Pizza Hut pizza, only I betit tastes worlds better!! Love your blog.. first time here.. nice to meet you.

Shelby said...

Oh Dish, this looks awesome! Grumpy will love me for making this....he loves pan pizza and thick crust like this! I love how you used your cake pans! I am going to make this soon!!!

Linda said...

You had me with "crisp, greasy crust" and then I fell in love with "rubbed the outer crust with butter". I am so excited about this recipe!My fam loves thin, crispy crust, but pan pizza is my very favorite.

Your photos are just gorgeous!

LadyJayPee said...

LOL at "that's just crazy talk". :)

Rachelle S said...

Hi, saw you at TS also and had to stop by. I love their crust too, deep greasy dish crust! I've been making alots of pizzas lately, but I'll have to try it in my cake pan next time! I need to get me some cast iron pans, so badly.

AnickH said...

thanks so much for this! pizza huts my favorite pizza, so its gonna be so fun to be able to make it at my house

Anonymous said...

This looks absolutely delicious! I was actually eating pizza hut pan pizza from last night and thinking "What am I going to do when this runs out?" I can't wait to try your recipe!

Anonymous said...

My go to pizza is a thin crispy crust - until my husband told me last week "just once I'd like to NOT have a crispy crust!"

When I asked him to describe his favorite crust, he actually mentioned Pizza Hut! He found a very similar recipe to yours, except putting 3 OUNCES of oil in each pan.

I am glad I found yours before I put this in the oven - I poured off almost all the oil.

It's in the oven now, fingers crossed it comes out good! I'll let you know!

What a Dish! said...

Bizzy Kitchen- I hope it turns out for you! Isn't the 3 oz. of oil crazy? I think it's fine with the amount I use.... even that is a lot of oil for me!

Anonymous said...

My family and I love the pizza. It really does taste just like Pizza Hut's pizza!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

after a fail attempt last night, i follow this recipe today and voila, it works wonder.. thanks :D

Anonymous said...

So the crust is kind of fried..wondered how they did that..thanks..will try tonight!

Nancy said...

Okay, I'm adding this to my list to try, too (in addition to your Reese's dessert). So many tempting recipes--you must have good taste :)

Dan said...

Dude, just made a mini version of this pizza. Precisely the taste I was going for. THANKS! Check out the URL for a pic!

What a Dish! said...

Looks great Dan, good job! So glad you liked it!

deb t said...

Thank you! This is so great! My family loved it. Tried to make bread sticks out of part of it, but I made them too skinny and baked them too long. Going to experiment more tonight. I rolled them in garlic powder and parmesan cheese

What a Dish! said...

Glad you liked it! Breadsticks would be a good idea.

Unknown said...

Made breadsticks and pizza .. Awesome.. Thank for sharing. My family loved it!

Becca said...

We make this about twice a month if not more. We love it! Thank you so much for this recipe, it is the best pizza crust recipe I have found so far!

What a Dish! said...

Deb, thank you for your comment!

Rebecca, I am SO glad you make this regularly- so do I! I love getting positive feedback about recipes that work for people, so thanks.

Anonymous said...

This crust is amazing! One of my sons said that it taste better than Pizza Huts. I have a new crust recipe, I will never make my old pizza crust now.Can you say , YUM!!!

Unknown said...

Thanks for this recipe.
I tried it the other day, but it was a disaster. I then noticed that the flour and yeast were "WELL" out of date. Got some new stuff and am going to try again.

I have a few questions for you:

1. What is "All Purpose" flour ?
Is it "Plain" or "Self Raising" ?

2. What is "Granola oil" ?
I can't find it in any of our local supermarkets. Would Vegetable or Sunflower oil do instead ?

3. How thick do you roll it out initially ?



What a Dish! said...

Hello Andy; all-purpose flour is just plain white flour. So not self-rising, just the plain. Canola oil is similar to rapeseed oil, and sunflower or any mild oil will work just fine. I don't roll the dough very thin. I try to keep some of the air inside to make the dough lighter. I just press it into the pans and it usually stays quite thick. (I just use my hands, not a rolling pin.)

I hope this helps! Good luck. Don't forget to proof the yeast in the warm water before proceeding with the recipe to make sure it is good yeast.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the reply. I'll try again soon.

Happy New Year to you and your family from Bonny Scotland.


What a Dish! said...

Thank you Andy; happy New Year to you too from Germany/Italy!

Anonymous said...

I wish there was a substitute for the non fat dry milk because I don't keep that in my pantry. Can I skip that ingredient? What do I lose if I do? Can I use regular liquid milk? I tired looking it up.

What a Dish! said...

Anonymous, I'm not sure what you would lose. The milk adds flavor and makes a more tender texture. I'd just use flour in its place and I'm sure it would still be delicious.

What a Dish! said...

PS: I'd try subbing in 1/3 cup of warm milk in place of some of the water instead of the dry milk.