Monday, August 15, 2016

Grilled Balsamic Zucchini

When we grill lately, we've been grilling this zucchini to go with whatever we're grilling, and it's almost always my favorite part of the meal.  It's so flavorful, plus super easy and healthy.  We had these when we grilled the Serbian Sausages recently.

Grilled Balsamic Zucchini
by What a Dish!

olive oil
balsamic vinegar (I've used both thin regular and thicker aged)
freshly ground pepper

1.  Rinse zucchini and trim off ends.  Slice lengthwise, not too thick and not too thin.  Lay on a platter and drizzle with oil and vinegar.  Then sprinkle with salt and pepper.  Grill on a hot grill, turning once, until they get dark and a little crispy on the edges.

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